University of California San Francisco

Liu, Natalie
Natalie Lui, MD, MAS

General Surgery Residency Program, 2014


    Spent 2 years in the lab 2010-2012 as a research fellow as part of general surgery residency.



    Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Physics, 2002


    Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Medicine, 2007


    UCSF, San Francisco, CA, Master of Advanced Study in Clinical Research, 2012


    Clinical Interests

    Thoracic Surgery

    Grants and Funding

    Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation research grant (research support, not salary)

    Research Narrative

    1. Within-tumor diversity in lung cancerβ€”Used single nucleotide polymorphism arrays to quantify genetic diversity within lung cancer tumors. Correlated diversity with overall survival and recurrence in 62 patients with lung cancer.
    2. Sulf-2 expression in esophageal cancerβ€”Sulf-2 is an extracellular endosulfatase that regulates several signaling pathways important in cancer development. We correlated Sulf-2 expression with overall survival in 100 patients with esophageal cancer.

    Research Interests

    Molecular markers in lung and esophageal cancer

    Within-tumor genetic diversity in lung cancer