University of California San Francisco

UCSF Endocrine Surgery
February 28, 2018

K P1Xc K4l _400x 400Quan-Yang Duh M.D., professor and chief of the section of endocrine surgery at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and outgoing President of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association, told a rapt audience of attendees at the organization's annual meeting of his journey as an immigrant, his rescue by a Greek family in 1971, and his work as endocrine surgeon, encapsulated in an inspirational story spanning multiple cultures. Dr. Duh was warmly introduced by fellow UCSF endocrine surgeon and medical historian Wen T. Shen, MD, MA.

Below are thoughts and reactions of Dr. Duh’s friends, colleagues and family, interspersed with images and slides from the event. The link to the talk itself is not available.  

Sherry Wren@PCSAsurg President @EndoSurgSF gives presidential address, his amazing immigrant story coming to the US at age 15 to becoming one of the worlds greatest surgeons

— Sherry Wren (@sherrywrenFebruary 17, 2018

Michel Yeh@PCSAsurg President Dr. Quan-Yang Duh @EndoSurgSF on an immigrant's journey, growing up Greek, and embracing both old and new in thyroid surgery. Beautiful

— Michael Yeh (@michaelyehmd) February 17, 2018

Andre S Twitter Picturev1 BiggerOutstanding Presidential Address by @EndoSurgSF describing his life journey as an immigrant and his outstanding academic career @PCSAsurg #PCSA2018. He is an amazing scholar, surgeon and person!

— Dr. Andre Campbell (@TraumaDocSF) February 17, 2018

Rescued By Greek Family

Michel Yeh

Thanks @wshen16 (Wen T. Shen, MD, MA) for your eloquent introduction of @PCSAsurg president Dr. Quan-Yang Duh @EndoSurgSF, who manifests the very best of values from multiple cultures. May his example shape our definition of #surgicalleadership.

— Michael Yeh (@michaelyehmd) February 18, 2018

Quan -and -Wen -on -Podium

Wen Shens Tribute

Wen Shen Introduction

NachristakisMy brother, @EndoSurgSF gave amazing presidential address on the theme of learning from the old & embracing the new. He spoke as well of the immigrant success stories in our extended family & the USA. And of the importance, paradoxical for a surgeon, of questioning authority. 6/

— Nicholas A. Christakis (@NAChristakis) February 17, 2018

Question Authority

O5z3vzkz BiggerInspiring address by Pac Coast Surgical president Quan-Yang Duh @EndoSurgSF. ICYMI, a perfect blend of #DACA justification and thyroid surgery history!

— Gerard Doherty (@gmdohertyFebruary 17, 2018

Julie SosaFantastic endocrine surgeon, friend and now partner.
Congratulations @EndoSurgSF! @UCSFSurgery  UCSFEndosurg
 @UCSF @wshen16  @SanzianaR @DaceySeib @TheAAEz  

— Julie A Sosa (@Jasosamd) February 17, 2018

Katrina ChristakisMy brother: the humble, measured, supportive Dr. Quan-Yang Duh aka @EndoSurgSF. So proud.

— Katrina Christakis (@katrina_PC) February 19, 2018

Quan And

Honors & Awards - Quan-Yang Duh MD