UCSF TraumaΒ Surgeons Among Leading Voices Working to Stem Tide of Gun Violence in the U.S.
Trauma surgeons at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center have been among the strongest proponents for physicians speaking out on the issue of gun violence and conducting research to reduce suffering and prevent needless and tragic deaths. They have harnessed the power of Twitter in the service of community outreach and effecting social change.
Notably, Rachael A. Callcut, M.D., MSPH was among the group that created the Twitter handle, @ThisIsOurLane and Andre Campbell, M.D., appearing on TV and in other media outlets, has reprised the role he played in the YouTube shootings at San Bruno as a powerful public spokesman and voice of conscience. In one way or another, all the ZSFG trauma surgeons, through their research, their outstanding care of patients and their public advocacy on Twitter, are making an out-sized difference.
Since The @NRA is incapable of understanding the important role we the medical community have in this fight against #GunViolence, we have created this handle just for you! @JosephSakran @DocsDemand @choo_ek @shannonrwatts @davidhogg111 @fred_guttenberg @Emma4Change #ThisIsOurLane https://t.co/C8jDG6qO8k
β ThisIsOurLane (@ThisIsOurLane) November 11, 2018
We are not self-important. We humbly do all we can for the love of our patients; this is all for them
β Marissa Boeck MD MPH (@KickAsana) November 10, 2018
We are not anti-gun. We are anti-injuries, anti-gun violence, anti-bullet holes
Luck isnβt an effective #GunViolence prevention tactic#Docs4GunSense #ThisIsOurLane https://t.co/IpK6moW0QX
INTERVIEW: Medical community responds to NRA 'stay in your lane' tweet. Many thanks to Pam Moore & .@KRON for having me talk about #stayinourlane, #gunviolence, #thisisourlane, .β¦@JosephSakranβ©, β¦@ACSTraumaβ©, β¦β¦@UCSFSurgeryβ© https://t.co/jeksJxZW5F
β Dr. Andre Campbell (@TraumaDocSF) November 16, 2018
Shot in the neck at 17, this is the trauma surgeon now leading doctors against gun violence and the NRA. β¦@ThisIsOurLaneβ© β¦@JosephSakranβ© β¦@JJcolemanMDβ© β¦@TopKniFe_Bβ© https://t.co/kuJ3KRYvTq
β Rachael Callcut, MD, MSPH (@callcura) November 14, 2018
When developing their recommendations for firearm safety, @ACSTrauma relied on engagement with gun-owning surgeons to develop sensible strategies for injury prevention. Thanks for your leadership @bulgercot @Stewartr84 et al! #PublicHealthApproach #ChicagoConsensus #ThisISMyLane https://t.co/hrJVUOzBvG
β Rebecca Plevin (@rplevin) November 14, 2018
3am sprint to the ER. #MyLane
β Amanda Sammann (@amanda_sammann) November 13, 2018
Empty heart in my hands. #MyLane
Delivering the devastating news. #MyLane
Dreading the next #gunviolence death. #MyLane@NRA we don't want your guns. We want your help. Let's work together to save lives. #ThisisOURlane. #myfirstTweet
#womeninsurgery #traumasurg @UCSFSurgery https://t.co/WQh0cwaedW
β Tasce Bongiovanni (@TasceB) September 28, 2018
here we stay, in our lane, saving those we can and crying over those we cannot :: regardless of gender, race, creed and orientation, wherever youβve been andβ¦ https://t.co/bMqWS2DENX
β Lucy Kornblith (@LucyKornblith) November 10, 2018
Overdue thanks to colleagues who work 24/7 saving lives in the wake of #GunViolence. To β¦@ACPinternistsβ©, thanks for #firearms recs. #ThisISMyLane at β¦@UCSFSurgeryβ©. β¦@LucyKornblithβ© β¦@TraumaDocSFβ© β¦@KickAsanaβ© β¦@TasceBβ© β¦@AnneMSteyβ© pic.twitter.com/tCQfnLS0Fy
β Julie A Sosa (@Jasosamd) November 10, 2018